Friday, May 2, 2014

The Dog Whisperer in Manila!

Posted by Unknown at 2:19 AM

My bestfriend and I are so lucky to have watched the show for FREE!

We thought that the event will be open so we decided not to purchase tickets anymore since it will be at the Eastwood City Walk.

To our surprise, upon arriving at the venue; we saw the place packed but has a black cloth covering the whole area and was so disappointed. but we didn't leave immediately because we were hoping that the organizers will be opening the area soon. 

Though disappointed, we were not the only one who hoped or assumed that the event will be open. Lots of people even brought their dogs with them with the hope that they'll get to see Cesar Millan without buying tickets because Eastwood Citywalk is an open area!

We all didn't lose hope, everyone had their own strategy on how they're not going to waste the time or the effort to be there.

Some even ate at the restaurants with second floors and be seated there to have an upper view to watch and get to listen to Cesar Millan.

This just goes to prove that Filipinos are "maabilidad" and will not let a simple thing get on their way!

As the lights begin to open, Cesar went up the stage opening his hoodie. Inside was a red jersey with a white print that says "Pilipinas" and "Millan" at the back. People were screaming and clapping with excitement as Cesar starts his show and speak a few tagalog words like "Salamat."

Just like on his show "The Dog Whisperer" which is shown on National Geographic, Cesar Millan never fails to impress us on how he is trully a "Pack Leader." What we mostly learned from his visit was, it is the owner's energy that reflects the dogs emotions. So he strongly suggested that we stay calm whenever we communicate with our dogs.

There were also several people from the audience that sought advice from Cesar regarding their dogs' awful attitude/emotions on certain things. And The Dog Whisperer, as usual, amazes everyone as he makes the dog follow his commands. It was like a magic show. Everyone was in awe every time Cesar does his thing on dogs. :)) He also encouraged his audience to be "over confident" when giving their dogs commands. Show the dog the you are his owner, and you are the "Pack Leader."

Millan ended his show by sharing Kabang's (The Hero Dog from Zamboanga) story and how he was amazed with Dog's martyrdom. He also signed stuff from his audience and said that he felt the Filipinos' warm welcome and enjoyed his whole stay in the Philippines.  And, YES! He'll be back soon!

Thank You, Cesar Millan! :)


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